My name is Saint Gale, I ´ ve been here for at most 2 months already, I just wanted to introduce myself, my other for doing this is to see people ´ s feedback on my work and pages, so yeah that´s all, thank you for reading!
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Basically, been thinking about doing something where the main idea is introducing non-Gundam things into one of the various Gundam timelines, just to see how many alterations can happen.
In other words, I wanna do a fanfic where I throw non-Gundam characters (I’m going with Armored Core and perhaps Godzilla) into a Gundam timeline and see how much can I mess with the canon.
Not actually Gundam-related, but I wanna get new people interested. Hopefully the discussions won’t be dead anymore.
I’m Them is a little crossover RP I’m doing with some guys from dinosaur/kaiju-related wikis. Anything is allowed as long as it doesn’t break the rules.
The main idea of the Roleplay is that we, the Users, have a fictional character of their choosing as their new body. You’re free to choose your own path as well.
While most of us are into dinosaur and Kaiju stuff, I wanna make it more diverse, hence why I’m adversiting it here.
I don’t have enough ideas for my first thing here so.. I’ll do RP for now.
A NGB custom Gunpla I made.
I might have ideas for a Gundam Build Fighters fanfic here, but I still gotta think more for it.
Hello I'm new here to this wiki, and I just want to really express my fan creations on Gundam.
P.S: Some of you probably know me from the official Gundam wiki
Hey there. I’m a user who’s new to both the Gundam wiki and this wiki.
I have some plans to make a series of either build fighters or another timeline (haven’t decided yet).
I also love Roleplaying, so I would be also interested in joining a RP!
Gundam Build Divers: Engage Burnout is a 13 epsiodes ONA that continues the events of Gundam Build Fighters: Rust and Gundam Build Fighters: My Narrative.
Episode 1: Rising
Episode 2: Twilight Recollection
Episode 3: Return to Fly
Episode 4: High On You
Episode 5: I Can't Hold Back
Episode 6: Staying Power
Episode 7: Private Eyes
Episode 8: Little Miss Can't Be Wrong
Episode 9: Value
Episode 10: My Favourite Things
Episode 12: The Eternal Journey
Episode 13: Kaikou
List of Gunpla:
STTS-909R Rising Jiyu Gundam
-STTS-909R+ Bravely Jiyu Gundam
-STTS-909R/A262PD+P Mighty Bravely Jiyu Gundam
ZGMF-X191M2S Starlight Justice Gundam
-ZGMF-X191M2SM Starmaker Justice Gundam
MVF-X08C Chaser Gundam
-MVF-X08C+HT-806HW Chaser Gundam Blaster Striker Pack Equipped
SD-764 Luckyday Gundam
-SD-764B Blast Luckyday Gundam
AGX-Ω11 Overfate Gundam
Burnout Gunplas:
XVX-016/A102 Gundam Aerial Almighty
ASW-G-35 Gundam Dashway
JMSX-11 Crossbone Gundam X-11 KaiKaiKai "Kai-San [Death's Shadow]
KWC-010 Rebellion Gundam Eternal
PGN-011GNHW/R Gundam Izrail GNHW/R
PGN-012A Gundam Aktinovolos
PGN-013/a Gundam Absolute Apheliotes
T5-03EX Gundam TR-8 [Pimpernel Alive]
T5-02GMII-FF-T3X30A GM [Speedwell II] High Mobility Custom
LM312V04AV America Victory Gundam
ZGMF/A-42S2/N Destiny Gundam Noir Spec II
RX-78KM-2-FA Gundam Warthunder (Full Armed)
RGM-88XDeBW Jeddah Black Widow
MS-11RS Zaku Machinery Robert Custom
RMSN-008TB Bertigo Thunderbird
NF90N Gundam G-Next
GSX-99999 Gundam Photon
XM-07GL♡ Vigna Lover
Turbo Vassal Knight Wing Gundam
Knight V-Square (Ver. GBFI)
I'm new to this side of Gundam and i'm just wondering what this is and whats good here :)
I'm mainly into drawing custom Gundam and kinda thought that'd be relevant here
PLP: GBFB: SE with the Collabration with GUNSTA will be the main venue for the Gundam Build Series work submission contest. The work with the most votes among the 37 works that passed the second round of judging will be the winning work of this contest will be Supported, Minor Character and Main Antagonist from Gundam Build Fighters Burnout: Skibidi Energy.
Characters and Mobile Weapons:
Jendric Hectroberg
Country: Germany
Main Gunpla: Vanishing Justice
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: T-Self Gundam
Akihiro Shirasaki
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Blazing Ignis
Nathanael Kreuzworträtsel
Country: Germamy
Main Gunpla: Konig Ritter
Dreilo Komajira
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: CGUE ASAULT Arms
Minami Fuyuki
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Crystal Knight Gundam
Soo Jae-eun
Country: South Korea
Main Gunpla: Crystal Qubeley Anne Beryl
Tetsuya Karojiro
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Gundam 00 Diver Azure
Belgium Trohn
Country: Belgium
Main Gunpla: Vanishing Impulse
Yashikiro Kamenashi
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: S.C.G.F2000
Ryojiro Katuragi
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Dragonate Gundam
Yutra Tamishiro
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Gundam AGE-2 Magma-Magnum SV.ver
Katrina Romina
Country: Philippines
Main Gunpla: Build Strike Liberta
Luther Klamosters
Country: Germany
Main Gunpla: Grimoire Spartan
Tomo Aizawa
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Ignite Gundam
Country: ???
Main Gunpla: Superior Star Winning Dragon
Kuran Jun-ho
Country: South Korea
Main Gunpla: Qubeley Megiddo
Zandro Caguiao
Country: Philippines
Main Gunpla: Ultimate Build Strike Gundam
Rinka Takanawa
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: SD Gundam 00 Diver Arc
Kang Jae-han
Country: South Korea
Main Gunpla: Wasser Speier
Daniel Rahardja
Country: Indonesia
Main Gunpla: Double O Diver Arc/A
Rissa Labonich
Country: USA
Main Gunpla: Double O Diver Rouge
Country: ???
Main Gunpla: GN-0000DVR/SE Gundam 00 Sky Eternity
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: ZZII Zeta Color
Amelija "Yunaka" Kamestrel
Country: UK
Main Gunpla: F9ノ1改 F-Kunoichi Kai
Kurodo Tsukamoto
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: ν Lah Gundam
Tatsuhiko Nakayama
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Gundam Astray Custom
Kurumi Tachibana
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Gundam Double Ausiel Arcs
Kajiro Takahaea
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: Build Strike EG (VB weapon equipped type)
Lempedus Hatman
Country: USA
Main Gunpla: Ex Impulse Strike Freedom Gundam
Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou
Country: Russia
Main Gunpla: MG Ex Destiny Impulse
Baek Do-jeon
Country: North Korea
Main Gunpla: Gundam 00 Diver Arc [Evil Version]
Kazushi Tsujimura
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: RX-78-TRa-Ⅲ Rah Gundam
Country: Canada
Main Gunpla: Build Strike EG Sword Silhouette
Tomoki Nagamine
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: 00 Diver Arc Kai
Yotek Tienachenko
Country: Ukraine
Main Gunpla: GN Saver Z
Tsubaki Kaburagi
Country: Japan
Main Gunpla: HGCE 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam
Credits to Gunpla Modelers (X):
やすしおすし (@uzwpT3JQfMAtv0)
テル (@teru_nakatu)
しんたろ (@shionze)
umecyo (@umecyo)
熊ナヴェ (@Kuma_nave28)
エア (@air_ship5)
ち もけい (@9BEhuSn3nlx0sWJ)
GONだんちょー (@GONTAvf25)
Ryoui (@Ryoui_gunpla)
TAT (@TAT013)
LEN (@len0121P)
副店長 (@fukuten1126)
MAYU (@xb3aueVvGqbp2Tc)
リューノ (@ryunogarage)
蚊鳥 (@Katori_13)
クリストファーホルモン焼き幕僚長@MSVD (@wxWhl89311AYheX)
oyakopuramoderu (@oyakopuramoderu)
ヤマテツ (@thejetree)
あかさは (@akasaha1124)
T-self (@TTTTself)
kazuのこ (@5Mnq5i2SCRQ76wQ)
けいぶ〜★ (@moke_common)
オブライト (@tromboy141)
黒虎 (@Re_Rise0922)
LEN (@len0121P)
Nimo (@aono_kanata_)
あぬびすん @anubisnn_
B-rian (@shyourin2)
Hello, I'm new here. I was wondering how can I create pages for my customs?
Yeah. The link is basically my greetings here as well.
Hello I'm new to the wiki but I'm a long-term fan of Mobile Suit Gundam since 2016 after watching Iron-Blooded Orphans and researching for more animes like it.
I came here to add a small Gundam Fanseries because you guys fanseries looked cool. Anyway, the Series is called Mobile Suit Gundam: Exiled Frontier, It's a series set after the eight colonies settling into the other planets in the solar system, But a war broke out due to the civil unrest within the inner and out rings of the solar system creating a war, Utilizing Gundams as their main use for combat But one planet: Pluto wanted to remain Neutral in the battle but due to this, The planet was attacked and nearly all of the members of the Colony was wiped out.
By the time the war ended, There was peace But With the Survivors of Pluto being exiled for the the eight other Colonies and Gundams being Bannished from existing.
Time skip to some years, Bannie Dogenis a descendent of a Mobile Suit Pilot and A mischievous kid who only wants to to see the rest of space but is forbidden to do that, due to the enact of the other planets As Pluto is not doing as great as the other planets are. Bannie one would come across an ancient Gundam; Hades and pilot it accidentally trying to protect someone not realizing that she may have started something that would rewrite their future for better or Worst.
I have come up with a plausible theory about the Post Disaster timeline. After watching the series fully through for the millionth time I have come to the conclusion that the timeline is actually where the Axis Powers won WWII. Hear my out:
Every, and I mean EVERY character in the timeline has either a German or Japanese name (or a combination of the two). MIkazuki (Japanese) Augus (German), Kudelia Aina Bernstein (German), Carta Issue (German). The only exceptions I have found is the Bauduin Family, which is French, and Sandabal which is Middle Eastern.
The Io Frame Shiden shares a name with a WWII Japanese Navy Aircraft, as does the Ryusei and Raiden (alternate name for Riden-Go), and even the Gekko (name of IBO side story). Also the Suisei was a carrier plane and could be similar to Seisei. The Schwalbe was even a WWII era German fightercraft.
Many of Gjallarhorn's mobile weapons and whatnot are German-named. Example: Ritter is German for Knight.
Thanks for reading.
I’m actually having some trouble coming up with names for these jagd dogas, there’s Gyunei’s, quess’s, the sleeves variant, and one that’s look’s similar to gyunei’s but with a grey and black color scheme.
I’m also having trouble coming up for name for this gyan, I have an idea were he is the cruelest of char’s numbers
As for a character I do have a name for, this is Pluto, the newest of char’s numbers
Another character who will appear is condor, one of amuro’s numbers.
And now back to characters I don’t have names for, this dijeh is supposed to be twins with condor
Does anyone have any ideas for the jagd dogas, char’s gyan, and the dijeh maybe? I would appreciate the help.
The AMS-140 velzeran is chimera zeon’s newest machine, made to be a higher performance machine then the geara doga and Zulu, the production of this unit is a little limited though. Like my caption says on my drawing, this one in particular is lancer, he is partnered up with vermilion, lancer is calculated fighter, keeping a level head in combat situations, going against omega Gundam’s hot headed personality.
The velzeran uses different weapons, they use Gelgoog beam sabers, an optional gyan beam saber, optional regular beam sabers, a beam rifle, a beam machine gun, a beam bazooka, a shield that stores missiles, a others due to the fact that this is was made to succeed the geara series.