All articles related to all works taking place in Build-related timelines.
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RX-0/S Unicorn Gundam 03S Phenex Sanctus -
RX-9C Narrative Gundam Conclusion -
SDMS-03M Gundam Vidar Murasaki -
RX-0/V Unicorn Gundam Valiant -
NZ-666X Kshatriya Necro -
GN-001/WA Gundam Exia White Album -
GN-0000DVR/SM Pseudo Gundam 00 Sky Moebius -
GN-P03-Re3JSB Gundam Astray Black Frame Specter
All items (545)
- A Duel of Strength
- A91 Gundam A91
- A95 Brave Almighty
- A99 Tallgeese Almighty
- AAA-000A ANIDNN Azathoth
- AE91 Almighty Experiment 91
- AGE-1月影 Gundam AGE-1 Tsukikage
- AGE-2 Gundam AGE-2 Phantom
- AGE-2K Gundam AGE-2 Blitzkrieg
- AGE-2SH Gundam AGE-2 Skull Heart
- AGE-3N Gundam AGE-3 Nebula
- AGE-FXC Gundam AGE-FX Cosmos
- AGMF-X56S/c Clash Impulse Gundam
- AGN-X0000/7SGE 00 Gundam Seven Sword "Excalibur"
- AGN-X07/S Arios Gundam Sigma
- AGN-X07GNHW/S Arios Gundam Sigma GNHW/S
- AGX-9900S-DV Gundam X Serenity Divider
- AGX-9901S-DX Gundam Double X Serenity
- Aina Kirishima
- Akina Tsukiyama
- Akira Youma
- Alex Rigjaw
- Alexandra Metzger
- Alga Neutron
- ALGA-X01 The Alga
- ALGA/JT/G-609KTS Kaplan
- Alice Agafonov
- Alicia Amitrano
- Alone Yet Many
- Alone Yet Many/2
- AMPY-000BC The Duraga Gundam Black Comet
- AMS-00S Stark Thielva
- AMS-119X Psycho Geara Doga
- AMS0-061B GOUF Tachyon
- AMSZ-006 Zeonic Zeta Gundam
- AMX-009/arm Dreissen Armblessed
- AMX-00CG Qubeley Crimson Cardinal
- AMX-107RGM Rebawoo Gemini
- Amy Solar
- Anastasia Anderson
- Announcer (GBF:SB)
- Aoi Shiroyama
- Arthur Albion
- Asami Shiroyama
- ASCMS-001X/V Gundam Delta Kai Vermillion
- ASCMS-001X/VS Gundam Delta Kai Vermillion "Versus"
- Ash Kennedy (Build Fighters)
- Ashley Zimmerman
- ASMF-X42V Destiny Gundam "Valvrave"
- ASW-G-11C Gundam Gusion Custom
- ASW-G-11S Gundam Gusion Sumo
- ASW-G-30 Gundam Forneus
- ASW-G-41 Gundam Focalor
- ASW-G-66/KAC Gundam Kimaris Aina Kirishima custom
- ASW-G-KC Gundam Haganetsu
- AVS-63p Clash Gundam
- Bianca Pereira
- CB-000XG/C-IZ Reborns Gundam "Izanami"
- CB-001.5E 1.5 Gundam Eirene
- Celes Veva
- Chiaki Shimokawa
- Chinatsu Miyuki
- Ciel Longhaim
- Clare Rebirth
- Clash of Shields
- Claudina Monteiro
- Cordelia Agara
- Crystalia Sarugaki
- GAT-333 Raider Spitfire
- GAT-X105B/GM Build Strike Gamma
- GAT-X207E Chaos Blitz Gundam
- Gathering of the Dragons
- GF13-050NSW-IDL Nobel Idol Gundam
- GF13-050SV1R Noblesse Gundam
- GF23-NM Nobel Star Gundam
- GN-0000/3DJ 00 Gundam Jaeger
- GN-0000DVR/SM Pseudo Gundam 00 Sky Moebius
- GN-0000亡+GNR-010 Soranaki's 00 Raiser
- GN-001/WA Gundam Exia White Album
- GN-002/AA Gundam Dynames Arm Arms
- GN-002/AR Gundam Dynames l'Arsenale
- GN-006WT Cherudim Gundam "Stalker"
- GN-P03-Re3JSB Gundam Astray Black Frame Specter
- GN-X20A Gundam Pleiades
- GNW-002ST Throne Stinger
- GNX-23NMCC Brave Punisher (Commander Test Type)
- GNX-ED/G704T Egner G Dash Ahead
- GNX-ED/G704T/MECH Egner G Dash Mechanized Aheads
- GNX-Y903AJ Brave Ajakutty
- GNY-002-X29A Stockade Gundam
- GSX-401AL Gundam Stargazer Altair
- Gundam Astray Ryusei Frame
- Gundam Build Divers Xros Wars
- Gundam Build Fighters: Burnout