Gundam Fanon Wiki

This page is official Gundam Fan Fiction Wiki policy.

In some cases articles may be archived to "userspace", renaming a page under the username of the writer (e.g.: User:Wingstrike/ or User:DarkGhostMikel), either due to canon or quality reasons. Only admins are may move other peoples' pages to userspace, though owners of articles may do so at their own wish. If a page has been moved to userspace by an admin, it may not be relocated until the underlying issue has been solved. Links between pages which are archived will not work until manually changed or moved back to mainspace, this is typically not done by admins and must be done by the article owners.

Potential Archiving Reasons[]

  • Canonicity
NCF pages may be confined to userspace as their storyline clashes with established canon. They cannot be moved back until the canon issue has been sorted.
  • Abandoned Poor Quality
Some pages may have been written with such poor quality and simply abandoned by an inactive user, in which case they will be archived at an admin's digression. A user may request for pages to be moved back if they shown signs of activity again.


All users may create sandbox pages within their own namespace, sandboxes created within namepsace will be automatically moved by an admin.

Policies and Rules of Gundam Fan Fiction Wikia
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