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This article R2A-2011B Alexander Aries, is the sole property of Knightwalker591, please don't edit without permission.
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The R2A-2011B Alexander Aries (aka Alexander, Aries) is the basic mobile suit unit of Chimera and Neo-ZAFT, using strength in numbers they are able to overpower most types of old world machines including the Zaku Warrior or GOUF Ignited however not as armed as them. They also employ crowd control weaponry in case of keeping the peace or destruction.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Thunder Leo is a transformable unit specializing in ground combat. In mobile suit mode it can transform into a tiger based mobile armor using the idea based of the ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam. The Aries are not as powerful as their closer range variant, however they are able to fight on par with the RGFQ-121 Barrett series of mobile suits used by the union.

They are also the building blocks to the rebirth of the Sazabi as well as the machines that's frames were used as a reinforced template for the weapons of the NXA-009 Gilgamesh and K7R1-L990 Azure. They are powerful they use group tactics instead of fighting solo to try to pressure an enemy during combat.


Melee Weapons[]

  • Heat Sword Type VIII
Enforced with a beam saber over the blade this heated blade has a much more higher cutting power then normal beam sabers, due to the reformed frame and heated blade inside it.
  • Beam Energy Claws
A secondary melee weapon unique to the Aries series of mobile suits is the Beam Claw, which utilizes focused beam energy to enhance the cutting ability of the mobile suit's claw like fingers. It is mainly used as a last resort in close combat in MS form.
When used in Mobile armor form it combo'd with the Ripper blades they can slice through heavy alloys of metal with little trouble.
  • "Raging Fang" Ripper Blades (Only M.A. Mode)
The extremely sharp blades that extend from Aries's teeth, it can easily shred through the armor of enemy MS, when infused claws are able to generate a Beam blade along the claws, however this weapon can only be used during the Mobile Armor mode. This combo includes a Heat-Rod Whip attached on the back only during mobile armor mode for surprise attacks to combo with the Ripper Blades.

Ranged Weapons[]

  • Type 50 LG1-Beam Rifle
Chimera corp's automatic beam assault rifle, it carries a beam duel cell inside which is attached onto the gun letting it recharge overtime instead of reloading ammo to during combat. They also carry a much lighter caliber assault however it has greater effect on more heavily armored machines.
  • "Touchy" HK-401 Hell Thrower
This weapon has duel-wield weaponry including a type 52 Flamethrower which can spread huge spray of flames out onto unsuspecting victims or burn into mobile suits to cook the pilot alive from the inside out.
It is attached onto the other-hand is a experimental weapon which uses a rare for of Napalm called "Quinine Trai" after the scientist who made it, this form of assault uses a mix of flames and napalm to make a type of sticky fire which sticks onto mobile suits and starts to melt into the armor. It's also used for crowd control when Chimera requires it to take care of locals.

Optional Weapons[]

  • Grenades
These small grenades attached on the sides plate however they are not very effective against large ships, but are ideal mid-range anti-mobile suit weapons, or put enemies off the scent using smoke or Mirage grenades to mess with radar.

System Features[]


Zero Era Mobile Units
Equatorial Union
GNX-X129 Deva Reaper | GNX-X139 Sin Shinigami Gundam | HNW-215 Redeemer Gundam | NA-21 Ikazuchi Gundam | NA-24 Archangel Gundam | NAF1-X122 Eternal Ragnarok Gundam | NAG7-X506 Eternity Zero Gundam | NAJ8-X216 Fallen Angel Gundam | NAZG-X156 Eternity Gundam | RGFQ-121 BarrettRGFQ-121/DR Barrett Dual Range TypeRGFQ-121/RA Barrett Ranged Assault Type | TRA-Y2K2 Solaria Gundam | KZW1-251 Kabuto Gouf | ZGMF-X66AF Liberation Gundam | NAZV-X166 Infinity Gundam | OZ1-01MSZ Tallgeese | ZNA2-KD51 Samael Gundam | ZMFB-P012 Gundam Astray Crimson Dragoon | ZGSF-1312 Alpha Barrett | 1X2G-01 Ifrit
Vehicles & Support Units
LCAM-02XA2 Dominion II-class | LQAM-010 Imperius Warship Class | QFZ1-2FD Malthael Scout Class | DF20-L77 Inarius Fury-Class Battleship
Chimera Corporation
ZGMF-X66AF Liberation Gundam | GNX-X139 Sin Shinigami Gundam | MSN-L905 Sazabi Avenger | NA-21 Ikazuchi Gundam | R2A-2011B Alexander Aries | R3B-2012W Jormungandr Blitz | R6X-1366A Thunder Leo | Z2F7-0W1 Mephistopheles Gundam | K7R1-L990 Azure | DFZ1-K150 Nix Calypso Gundam | NXA-009 Gilgamesh | 9FZG-NW05 Hurricane Leo Gundam | DXZ2-Z200X Azazel Gundam | ZR2A-2502A Hades
Vehicles & Support Units
DAW2-0K0A3 Niflheim Warship | ZDF6-K090 Mjolnir Super Flagship | Vold Heart | DAW3-K0ZT1 Jotunheim Battleship | DWA3-K1BZ4 Bifrost Carrier Ship
Vehicles & Support Units
ZYMF-X001B Titan Asteroid Ship
VMBF-Z1 MX1 Avenger | VMBF-Z1 MX2 Tyrant | VZMB-Z3 MX3 Overlord | VMCF-Z2 MX4 Slasher | VGMF-1005 MX5 Feral Zaku | ZGMF-Z028 MX8 GOUF Venom | VMBF-Z6 MX6 Dread | VMBQ-Z7 MX7 Carnage | VMBQ-Z8 MX8 Hellhound | GNX-XA12 Beelzebub Gundam | GNX-XA12 Tyrant Gundam